Hotel Deals

Are you looking for cheap deals for a stay in Trier?

We have put together a selection of diverse deals for you that include more than just an overnight stay and enrich your vacation:

Simply let yourself be pampered, not having to worry about anything - because we'll take care of that. Our offers are perfectly coordinated.

Many small highlights of a vacation package that add up to a great whole.

Whether you are newly in love or interested in history, whether it is Advent or the cycling season - we have something for everyone and every season. Even if you are looking for a last minute offer for Trier, you will find it in our hotel.

Choose a room of the desired category and book an offer package of your choice for your vacation in Trier.


Available from
387,00 €
Book now
3 days in Trier
2 x overnight incl. breakfast
2 x Free use of the sauna area incl. bathrobe and sauna towels from 4 pm
2 x parking on the outside parking lot
Guided tour of Roman Trier
Antikencard Basic (admission to 2 Roman buildings and Rheinische Landesmuseum)
Cultural promotion tax included
Available from
100,77 €
Book now
Lazy Day
1 x overnight incl. breakfast
1 x Free use of the sauna area incl. bathrobe and sauna towels from 4 pm
1 x Parking on the outside parking lot
Late Check-out until 12 o'clock
Cultural promotion tax included
Available from
390,00 €
Book now
4=3 Special
4 x Overnight in a room of the selected category
4 x lavish buffet breakfast
Cultural promotion tax included